Eatery - Bruxie (CA) Revisited

292 N Glassell St, Orange, CA 92866
Pricing - $/$$ | Dining - Casual, To-Go | Cuisine - Sandwiches, Desserts
[You can read my first review of Bruxie by clicking here.] This place gets so many rave reviews that I couldn't stop myself from going back. Duc and I decided that we'd spent a day antique shopping in Old Towne Orange so lunch just had to be had at Bruxie since he'd never been there. I remembered the sandwiches just being good food regardless of the waffles, and I had yet to try a dessert there; off we went to see what the season's special was and to get some good eats.
I highly encouraged the sodas because they are made with pure cane sugar. The one they had up as a special was grape which I was excited about since I love grape soda. It was pure deliciousness. Great, great soda. For some reason, I also really like how they use small ice cubes.
Duc went with the buttermilk fried chicken sandwich upon my suggestion. He really enjoyed it. It is definitely a sandwich that one has to eat with knife and fork though lest there be a mess everywhere. The piece of chicken was huge and very moist on the inside. Who doesn't love a well-fried juicy piece of chicken breast on a crispy waffle?
I decided to opt for the prosciutto and gruyere sandwich, and oh my my, it is now my favorite there from all that I've tasted before. The saltiness of the prosciutto and gruyere combined was fantastic and left a lingering tastiness in my mouth. At first I thought that was all there was - that it was simple and great with just a few ingredients. However, as I got closer to the center, I discovered chives and mustard seed. Wow. Great thinking there. My compliments to the chef for a mindblowing combo. I wouldn't have thought to add those to such a sandwich but they just really made it all the more epic. It will be my default sandwich now.
Because my friend had always raved about their strawberry crème brûlée, we decided to finish off our delectable meal with that. While it was good, I actually didn't find it as crazily awesome as the hype made it out to be. It was definitely full of good crème brûlée but I didn't feel like that dessert necessarily belonged in a waffle. The waffle ended up making it a heavier dessert than I would have preferred, and the strawberries were barely present. Good concept but not to my taste.