Eatery - NBC Seafood Restaurant (CA) Revisited

404 S Atlantic Blvd, Monterey Park, CA 91754
Pricing - $$ | Dining - Casual | Cuisine - Chinese
[You can read my first review here] I can't believe it's already nearly been a year since I last went here. That's the travesty of living away from home in SoCal for so long - no good dim sum. I've got to say that this place is still the best place I've had dim sum before. I don't know if that will still hold true after I take a trip to San Francisco in January but it sure as heck is still delicious. This time was also probably the fastest our family's eaten dim sum because we just ordered everything all at once despite my mother's protests. Oh and of course, pastries were first!
So we snagged the taro filled pastries that look like shredded pork on the outside, a new bun that tasted like an inverted dan ta had a child with melon pan, and dan ta itself. SO GOOD. We basically ran the gamut of our normal dishes and then tried out a few new ones we hadn't had before. I'll just post up all the pictures of everything at once.
Again the har gow was not as superb as it could've been but it was still pretty dang good. The shu mai can't be beat here with its perfect wrapper and juiciness. My favorite dim sum dish, the ha cheong fun, would've sated me completely had I just ordered only that. Of the new things we tried, there were these soft pork meatballs that were quite delicious as they had cilantro inside and plenty of bean curd. I also really enjoyed the "shrimp ball lollipops" which were fried shrimp balls stuck onto sugar cane.
The service was pretty great surprisingly. I guess it was because we ended up being in a room in the back where the customers probably get ignored a lot by the carts which are pushed around the main room. The restaurant gets PACKED for dim sum but we surprisingly got a table right when we walked in. Great eats - how could I say no? Besides, it's always fun to see what new dishes they have in store for the day!