Eatery - MIX (NV)

3950 Las Vegas Blvd S, Las Vegas, NV 89119 (Neighborhood: The Strip)
Pricing - $$$$/$$$$$ | Dining - Dressy | Cuisine - French, American
I was invited here by some colleagues during a work retreat and treated to an extravagant place with over-the-top prices on food. There were many areas to MIX that ran the gamut of styles. First of all, the entrance to MIX was just a hallway to an outdoor elevator that shot up to the top of the hotel; by the way, it was hot!
Once we got in, there was the lounge and bar area which were club-like and very loud. Vegas, yes yes. We apparently were in the back past the kitchen so we moved from that very dark, very loud setting to a white bubbly restaurant area. Talk about modernized fancy schmancy - even our bread came with square pats of creamy butter and sweet peanut butter. By the way, the pimento bread was very excellent and good on its own without any spread.
So after trying to get a little comfortable in this unfamiliar setting of a swanky restaurant (and staring at the price tags on the food), I decided that since I was already in the situation, I ought to take full advantage of it. I mean, when else am I going to place myself there with a high-priced menu? Therefore, what else to order but one of the chef's signature dishes, the filet mignon rossini? It came with seared foie gras and sliced black truffles. Oh and I believe there was also a side of mashed potatoes for me too. When they came out, they honestly weren't presented in a way that made my mouth water (actually, the waiter set the plate down in front of me incorrectly with the insignia not turned properly). However, the tenderness of the steak certainly played its part in charming me. Was the best I've had though? No but the seared foie gras really helped pull the flavors together. Let's not forget the truffle! The mashed potatoes were also both fluffy and still chunky enough to please my palate. Now, was the whole entree worth $69? I'd say not. Was it delicious and juicy? Yes it sure was.
I couldn't resist getting dessert with such wonderful descriptions listed on the menu (turn a blind eye to the price tag, Minerva!). I ended up with a hazelnut souffle paired with grapefruit sorbet. Uh, who pairs the two together? I was hoping that I'd get them in some kind of complex mix but alas, they were presented separately on one plate. The hazelnut souffle had too much sugar in some parts so that it was unnecessarily cavity-inducing crunchy. I really enjoyed the sorbet but felt that it was odd to include the bits of sugar in the bowl. The candied grapefruit peel was delicious but again, too sweet. I'm glad I had the experience here but once again was proven correct in my thought that the cost and high profile appearance of a place does not say anything about the food. It's all about the diner, and this diner was only somewhat satisfied that night.